Saturday, May 14, 2011

My Path

As promised in my last post, here's a little bit of history about how I got to where I'm at.
Almost as soon as got my first job as a librarian I knew it was not the place for me. I worked with people that I liked and I enjoyed my job, but not the organization. That place may work for some people, but not for me (or the other librarian who was absolutely wonderful and received an academic position right before I went on maternity leave).
I have been applying and interviewing for jobs all over the place for about 2 years and nothing fruitful came of it. I did receive offers, but they were never quite right. I was beginning to lose hope, but found one last ray of hope: going back to school.
I applied to a PhD program and was accepted...with stipulations. I had to go through their masters program even though I already have a masters. When I asked why I had to receive one when I already had it I was told that it would help me learn to do research. I asked for clarification: research as in gathering information or in studying people. I was told I would need one to learn how to gather information. .... Really? That is actually what my entire first masters is all about! Also, there was no flexibility with the masters and it would take 2 or 3 years to get.
By this point I was very frustrated. I want a PhD, I have ever since I found out what they were when I was in fourth grade, and my temper flared when it was revealed that the university really just wanted me to get a masters from them. Surprisingly, my temper waned after only one day of declining the university's offer. I realized that if I didn't get in or didn't find the job I wanted that it was because God had other plans for me. But what were they?
I trolled the job lists and other resources after that, but still found nothing. I wasn't upset or frustrated anymore, but knew that I had to keep looking to do my part and I would know when I'd found what I needed. Just over a month after the PhD fiasco I found a very promising job opening. I prayed about it, applied, had an interview, prayed about it, was offered the job about 1 week after the interview, and prayed some more. I accepted and started the job 1 month later. I have been there for 2 weeks now and love it!
I find more and more positive things every day. I know there will be some disagreements and annoyances, but so far they haven't happened. I am in an academic library with some great people (who play videos games hehe), work closer to home, have better benefits that cost less, make more money, work less hours, have more vacation, and get to wear jeans every Friday (except during the summer when I get to wear them every day!). Those are just a few of the benefits with the job change. I feel like a weight has been lifted from my shoulders and am already seeing the health benefits of being happier and feeling like I can be myself. I guess this is what happens when you leave things to God and trust that he will lead you in the right direction.

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